I will never forget the day - 12, Oct, 2008, it was a Sunday. It was a beginning to a new stage of our life. 7 years, of togetherness - some very good time, some just good time, some bad time, but together always. There were times when both of us felt horrible about each other, and then there were moments when we felt each other the reason of our life. I used to think there could never be more precious moments than those. I was unaware that, one priceless moment was yet to arrive; the moment which would completely change our lives!!!!!
12th Oct, 2008 the day when I first realized that I was pregnant, I will never be able to forget that moment. It will be an incomplete expression if I said I was very happy……. there was a mixed feeling, a felling of excitement, a feeling of completeness - felt our relationship had reached a different level altogether. Needless to say I was a little scared and skeptical, thinking of the new responsibility and if we would be able to take care of it in totality? 9 months is quite a long time, we need to take lot of extra care.
However, after the first bouts of joy and anxiety, the next thing that came to our mind was, we needed to go to Wockhardt Hospital the following day for check up. The first Ultra Sound scan, formally called as “Confirmation Scan”. Indeed, once you see, will you believe. One tiny thing (yes it looked like just an object then) was moving inside me. It brought tears to my eyes. One life was rooted in me…… S/he would develop slowly, S/he would always be there with me, S/he had become the part of me. First glimpse of our baby took the both of us to some other world. The doc then said “did you hear the heart beat”? Heart beat for this small tiny life?????? Yes, yes…..Seeing and listening is indeed believing. We finally brought ourselves to believe that we were going to be parents soon, or do I say we already are parents…..virtually J